Register of Personal Information Released

Pursuant to Section 67.3 of the Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information, the Caisse keeps a public Register of Personal Information Released.


Document 1

Name, social insurance number, age, date of birth, gender, pension plan, summary of years of service, annual salary, contributory earnings, contributions and other data on participation in the plan

Person or recipient body
Commission administrative des régimes de retraite et d’assurances (CARRA)

Communication purposes
Establishing the status of participants’ participation in the plans and determination of the rights and benefits granted under the laws governing pension plans

Reason for communication
Express request from CARRA for purposes of applying laws governing plans Sec. 67

Document 2

Name, age, date of birth, gender, pension plan, summary of years of service, annual salary, contributory earnings, contributions and other data on participation in the plan

Person or recipient body
AON Firm

Communication purposes
Establishing the calculation of compensation for employment purposes or pension statements for purposes of the supplemental pension plan

Reason for communication
Service contract with a third party Sec. 67.2
