Private Equity

CDPQ is a major Québec and global private equity investor, with nearly 55 years of sector experience. Our teams have cutting-edge expertise, primarily as direct investors and as fund partners. We invest in a broad range of sectors worldwide.

Private Equity portfolio

$90.0 B

Net assets as at December 31, 2024


Of CDPQ’s total portfolio


Portion of direct investment activities in the portfolio

Top 10

CDPQ among the world’s ten largest private equity investors according to PEI rankings

Our exposure

Private Equity

By geography


Private Equity

By sector


Our objective

CDPQ’s long-term goal is for our private equity investment portfolio to outperform the stock markets. Our investments typically constitute minority equity stakes of between CAD 75 to 500 million.

Our investment approach

  • Create long-term value
  • Focus on quality partnerships
  • Be an active, not an activist, shareholder

Our value-added

Our commitment to the companies in our portfolio goes beyond financing. We can help them improve operational efficiency by:

  • Participating in their governance
  • Supporting the leadership teams in certain projects
  • Creating high-level development strategies and supporting their implementation
  • Providing privileged access to our resources, networks and expertise

Investments in Québec

We are a leading stakeholder in Québec-based private equity. Our Québec investment team has developed unique expertise and a financing offer which includes strategic benefits for Québec companies.

For more information

Investment Funds and External Management

To maximize our portfolio’s risk-return profile, we also invest in private investment and venture capital funds in Québec and internationally.

These activities are conducted in collaboration with our Investment Funds and External Management team.

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