Program for Québec businesses

CDPQ has put in place a new program to encourage Québec companies to launch projects that increase productivity or to strategically pivot to new markets.

The program is structured around CDPQ’s three pillars of action for Québec


Access to flexible financing that complements the solutions offered by banks and financial markets to encourage companies to undertake projects aimed at increasing productivity. The financing, that is supplemental to CDPQ’s existing programs, will allow qualifying companies to carry out and finance their investment projects without increasing debt or immediately diluting their capital. The offer will be adaptable to meet the company’s specific situation and needs to protect its balance sheet and liquidity.


Support for technological transformation — automation, robotics, business process digitalization, AI applications — in partnership with Vooban, a Québec leader in applied AI in which CDPQ is a shareholder.

A call for projects is currently underway.

AI Expertise Program


Increased support for all companies looking to explore new markets to diversify their client base, suppliers or operations. CDPQ teams will work to open doors for companies and support them with its roster of 5,000 portfolio companies and business partners in 70 countries.

Demi-cercles blanc

“We must take the current context as a call to action and use it to mobilize like never before. Whether or not the tariffs materialize, it’s time to leverage all the know-how of our companies to drive Québec forward. CDPQ will be there to finance productivity-boosting projects and help companies diversify their markets.”

Charles Emond
President and Chief Executive Officer of CDPQ

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