News release Annual Report

The Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec tables its annual report 2005

Finance Montréal,

The Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec is pleased to announce that its Annual Report 2005 was made public today.

“This document is a complete report on our operations and our first-quartile financial results,” stated Henri-Paul Rousseau, the Caisse’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “The Annual Report 2005 also provides an accurate and exhaustive account of the returns earned by our investment groups and the organization’s improved performance. It also enables the reader to appreciate the considerable work accomplished by the Caisse’s employees, for they are the authors of its success.”

In line with the amendments to the Act respecting the Caisse, which took effect in 2005, the Annual Report devotes considerable attention to matters of governance. For the first time, it contains reports by the Board of Directors and each of its committees, namely the Audit Committee, the Governance and Ethics Committee, the Human Resources Committee and the Risk Management Committee. Although not obliged to, the Caisse has followed the model designed by Canadian regulatory authorities regarding principles of good financial governance; the Annual Report therefore includes financial certificates signed by the President and Chief Executive Officer and by the Executive Vice-President, Finance, Treasury and Strategic Initiatives.

Other changes to the Annual Report are a message from the new Chairman, Pierre Brunet, and a summary of the Caisse’s strategic plan 2006-2008.


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