News release COP16

Presentation of biodiversity indicators for investors

Sustainable Investing Montréal, Canada /Cali, Colombia,

Innovative collaboration between Québec's financial sector, the research community and civil society unveiled at COP16 today

Fondaction, CDPQ, Biodiversité Québec and the Société pour la Nature et les parcs (SNAP Québec) today unveiled at the 16th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP16) the results of an unprecedented collaboration between the worlds of finance, research and civil society.

Nine biodiversity indicators that are designed to provide additional information for investment purposes, as well as their methodologies, were announced at Place Québec in Cali.

The nine biodiversity indicators are relevant tools for Québec investors, providing them with basic information on local biodiversity to guide their decision-making. They can be used to measure the impact of a project (e.g. industrial, commercial, real estate, transportation) on:
1)    Ecosystem services provided within the concerned perimeter
2)    Status species;
3)    Conservation
4)    Habitat loss
5)    Pollution
6)    Introduction and spread of invasive alien species
7)    Ecological connectivity
8)    Total level of disturbance
9)    Destruction of natural carbon sinks

The impact of investments on natural environments can therefore be modeled using precise and practical indicators. The methodology booklet, available on the Biodiversité Québec website, presents the definitions, interpretations, methodologies and sources of the data used.

The themes identified for these indicators are aligned with the targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Framework for Biodiversity, and the recommendations of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD). The originality of the approach lies in the highly local nature of the indicators, which complement those of a global nature that are more commonly used in portfolio analysis.

Since 2022, with the support of the ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs and the ministère de l'Économie, de l'Innovation et de l'Énergie, Fondaction, CDPQ, Biodiversité Québec and SNAP Québec are leading this vast collaborative project to develop biodiversity indicators specific to Québec. This is a unique effort involving a sub-national state and non-governmental players.

The indicators presented today now enter a process of large-scale testing and continuous improvement.


“At a time when we urgently need to counter the collapse of the living world and restore a balance between human needs and planetary limits, this original collaboration provides a local response to the urgent need to act. Developed with a public science and open data approach, the indicators will make it possible to estimate impacts on biodiversity upstream, and to make better-informed investment choices.” 
- Diego Creimer, Director, Finance and Biodiversity, SNAP Québec

“To change finance, you have to let yourself be influenced by civil society. We see great value in maintaining an ongoing dialogue with leaders from different backgrounds. Financiers have a responsibility to direct capital towards sustainable projects, but they alone cannot define this sustainability, nor can they alone develop the innovations required to address the issues at stake. By bringing together scientists, environmentalists and financiers, we have been able to create practical, applicable indicators to truly measure a project's impact on biodiversity. Our hope is that other regions around the world will adopt this approach.” 
- Geneviève Morin, President and CEO, Fondaction

“Biodiversity is becoming increasingly important in the financial sector. These new indicators will add to the tools available to strengthen our investment analyses, and we hope they will be widely adopted by our Québec peers. Our contribution to this innovative research project demonstrates our commitment to developing constructive capital in Québec while generating sustainable value.” 
- Bertrand Millot, Head of Sustainability, CPDQ

“This project is the culmination of our mission to make scientific information on Québec's biodiversity accessible. It demonstrates the research sector's commitment to contributing to informed decision-making. The enthusiasm for this project is motivating and promises to have an impact on achieving the objectives of the New Global Framework on Biodiversity.” 
- Prof. Dominique Gravel, Co-director of Biodiversité Québec

“With the recently unveiled Nature Plan, Québec has reaffirmed its commitment to protecting 30% of its territory by 2030. Today, we are taking a further step in this direction by integrating biodiversity at the very heart of our economic decisions. The announcement of these nine biodiversity indicators are essential tools to guide investors towards informed choices in harmony with our environment. Congratulations to all those involved in this initiative!” 
- Benoit Charette, Minister of the Environment, the Fight Against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks and Minister Responsible for the Laurentides Region

About Fondaction

A forerunner for over 25 years, Fondaction is the investment fund for individuals and companies that are mobilizing for the positive transformation of Quebec’s economy, making it more equitable, inclusive, green and successful. As a labour-sponsored fund created at the initiative of the CSN, Fondaction represents tens of thousands of savers and hundreds of companies committed to helping Quebec progress. It manages more than $3.77B in net assets, as at May 31, 2024, invested in hundreds of businesses and on the financial markets, prioritizing investments that generate positive economic, social and environmental spinoffs in addition to a financial return. Fondaction helps maintain and create jobs, reduce inequalities and combat climate change. For more information, visit or our LinkedIn page.

About CDPQ

At CDPQ, we invest constructively to generate sustainable returns over the long term. As a global investment group managing funds for public pension and insurance plans, we work alongside our partners to build enterprises that drive performance and progress. We are active in the major financial markets, private equity, infrastructure, real estate and private debt. As at June 30, 2024, CDPQ’s net assets totalled CAD 452 billion. For more information, visit, consult our LinkedIn or Instagram pages, or follow us on X.

CDPQ is a registered trademark owned by Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec and licensed for use by its subsidiaries.

About SNAP Québec

SNAP Québec is a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of nature. We’re working to create a network of protected areas across the province of Québec that will ensure the long-term protection of the boreal forest, the Far North, the St. Lawrence and the ecosystems that support our threatened species. We also work to ensure that existing protected areas are well managed.

About Biodiversité Québec

Biodiversité Québec is an integrated scientific monitoring system. It allows better observation, analysis and sharing of the state and changes of biodiversity for better management and conservation of ecosystems in Québec. The strength and innovation of this infrastructure lie in the collective effort to gather information on biodiversity.

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For more information

  • Marie-Chrsitine Fiset
    Senior Advisor, Communications and Public Relations
    +1 514-525-5505
  • Diego Creimer
    Director, Finance and Biodiversity
    SNAP Québec