Proposal 1A
Election of Director - Colleen Abdoulah
Proposal 1B
Election of Director - Louis Audet
Proposal 1C
Election of Director - Arun Bajaj
Proposal 1D
Election of Director - Mary-Ann Bell
Proposal 1E
Election of Director - James C. Cherry
Proposal 1F
Election of Director - Pippa Dunn
Proposal 1G
Election of Director - Joanne Ferstman
Proposal 1H
Election of Director - Normand Legault
Proposal 1I
Election of Director - Bernard Lord
Proposal 1J
Election of Director - Frédéric Perron
Proposal 2
The Board of Directors of the Corporation and Management recommend voting FOR the appointment of Deloitte LLP, Chartered Accountants, as auditors and the authorization to the Directors to fix their remuneration.
Proposal 3
The Board of Directors of the Corporation and Management recommend voting FOR the advisory resolution accepting the Board's approach to executive compensation. The text of the advisory resolution accepting the Board's approach to executive compensation is set out on page 19 of the Information Circular.